By anyone else’s measure, you have it all.
And everything (material) that you need and want ….
The income. The house. The vacations. The prestige.
You make a difference in the world.
You create jobs, you inspire, you pave the way. When you set your sights on something, the tectonic plates of the earth shift. You make things happen.
You are motivated by the legacy you’ll leave. To be the leader your community, team, and family will always remember as being heroic in your accomplishments.

And yet… When it comes to your own evolution… Something is holding you back.
There are insecurities you don’t understand. A gnawing sense that you’re not experiencing deep happiness or satisfaction the way you desire to – and the way you deserve to.
Do you feel anxiety or worry that everything might fall apart because there is so much to lose?
When everyone sees you as successful, but you’re questioning yourself incessantly, do you worry they’re going to find you out?
Are you an absolute powerhouse in one or a few areas of your life, while other areas are seriously lacking? Or are you not as far as you’d like to be and find yourself constantly comparing yourself to those who already appear to have “made it” at the level you covet?
Do you notice that fear kicking in when you know you have a massive opportunity in front of you and you feel like with everything else you already have going on, you might not be able to handle it?
Is there trauma from your life that you know remains lodged in your subconscious, unprocessed, unhealed and impacting you every day without your consent?
Are any of these getting in the way of you experiencing the joy and peace that should be inherent in the life you’ve worked so hard to create?
- anger,
- impatience,
- insatiable drive,
- gnawing self-doubt,
- fear
Whatever it is, it’s holding you back from being the best version of yourself – from the inside out.
Something is in the way of stepping into the next level of potential that you – and others – know is available to you.

Something is keeping you from reaching your potential – in terms of health, happiness, fulfillment, emotional, spiritual and sometimes even your next level of financial success in this world.
And maybe even the things that others take for granted feel hard for you, too.
Flying. Large audiences. Intimacy.

So, while on the surface, no doubt … You have everything. But, oddly, there is something missing.
You’re so ready to reach your potential and leave your legacy… but…
What is it? What’s the “but?”
It’s on the tip of your tongue… but you haven’t been able to identify it. It’s as if you can glimpse it in your peripheral vision, but when you turn to address it, it vanishes. You’re not sure where it went. Or what it fully was.
Deep down, you suspect that what’s holding you back… is you.
But if you have all the advantages…
Can access any resource…
Have just about anything and everything material to help you facilitate change…
And yet it’s still not happening…
What is going on here?
The answer lies in your subconscious.
It isn’t until you align your inner subconscious beliefs to the monolithic impact in the world you desire to continue to make, and the deep joy and contentment you desire to feel while you make it, that you will be able to finally break free from the unknown, unseen yet all-powerful self-sabotage that has been getting in your way.

The key to (finally) becoming the very best version of yourself… is inside you. But you may not be able to readily access them, and it’s not like access to your mainframe feels readily available. That is because they are locked in your subconscious. And Grace’s Hypnotherapy method is the most powerful, effective and non-invasive way to access your subconscious mind.
As a pioneer in the Hypnotherapy field, Grace’s private clients include Fortune 500 CEOs, A-list celebrities, Olympic athletes and government officials. Grace and her husband, Bernardo Feitosa, founded Grace Space Hypnosis in 2012 and it is now the world’s #1 provider of hypnosis education, products and services. The Grace Institute (previously Grace Space Hypnotherapy School) is their world-class hypnotherapy certification program for new practitioners.
And now, after helping thousands of elite clients overcome their subconscious issues, Grace has created this exclusive program for you – the high-achiever who needs a deeper way to truly break through to the next level – personally, professionally, and spiritually.
Hypnotherapy creates a 93% recovery rate after only 6 sessions. Psychotherapy reports a 38% recovery rate after 600 sessions.
Source: Barrios, Alfred A. “Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal,” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice (1970)
Women with breast cancer who received hypnotherapy experienced 50% less pain and had a 2X survival rate compared to a control group.
Sources: Spiegel, D. & Bloom, J.R. (1983b).”Group therapy and Hypnosis Reduce Metastatic Breast Carcinoma Pain.” Psychosomatic Medicine, 45, 333-339.
Spiegel, D., Bloom, J.R., Kraemer, H.,C. & Gottheil, E. (1989a) “Effect of Psychosocial Treatment on Survival of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer.” Lancet pp. 888-891.
Hypnosis significantly reduces the time it takes to heal. A Harvard Medical School study showed broken bones healing 40% faster with hypnosis.
Source: Harvard Medical School, Carol Ginandes and Union Institute in Cincinnati, Patricia Brooks, Harvard University. Gazette Online at
INTRODUCING… a new proprietary methodology,
Enroll to experience a total transformation from the inside out. Together with Grace, you’ll disintegrate every resistance and subconscious block you have and, most importantly, the ones you aren’t even aware of.
Overcome your self-imposed constraints to step into your next-level self – and become the calm, grounded, healthy, and effective leader your world needs.
Scott Oldford
Entrepreneur, Investor, and Advisor to multiple 7+ figure businesses
Angela Bonnici
VP of PR at Unfair Advantage
Jennifer Racioppi
Founder of Chart Your Success, Leading Astrologer, Contributing Writer for Well + Good
Danette May
Entrepreneur, leading healthy living expert, and star of several best-selling fitness DVDs
WHY CEOs trust grace:
“The most powerful part of you, is your subconscious mind. Every action, inaction, emotion, compulsion is influenced by this incredible super-computer designed to keep you safe. Unfortunately, our subconscious programming isn’t always up to us or in our best interest.
Grace Smith is perhaps the greatest “Programmer” of the subconscious mind alive today. Her unique gift is an uncanny ability to “get past the security systems” that protect old, buggy subconscious programs and reset the code of your subconscious to serve your health and happiness in ways that feel natural, effortless, wholesome and familiar.
For years I’ve struggled with an irrational fear of small spaces, making certain medical tests virtually impossible without heavy sedation – until I met and worked one-on-one with Grace. Within days I went from claustrophobic and panic prone to relaxed and at ease during an important test that I had postponed for over a year.
Beyond dealing with the acute issue at hand, Grace’s work gave me tools to dramatically lower stress levels, move “Grace-fully” through each day, sleep better and show up every day as a better human. If you’re looking to make a significant shift in your thinking and eliminate emotional reactions that don’t serve you – Grace’s program should be at the very top of your list.”
Karl Krummenacher
Chief Executive Officer
Mindshare Collaborative

A client story
“Before working with Grace, I thought life was supposed to feel, at its best, chronically dissatisfying and at its worst, overwhelmingly hopeless.
Day-to-day, I couldn’t escape the unhealthy levels of anxiety I was feeling without drinking wine at least four nights a week, emotional eating, or both. Nor could I trace the anxiety back to anything in particular, so I had more or less succumbed to it as “my normal.”
I had never been exposed to hypnosis outside of its (wildly inaccurate) portrayal in the Jordan Peele film Get Out. I began researching this type of treatment for my job and in doing so, I came across some jaw-dropping studies on its effectiveness in curbing a variety of infamously hard-to-kick habits like procrastination, smoking, etc. I was still unfamiliar with HOW hypnosis actually worked, but after looking at the absolutely undeniable evidence that it DID work, I couldn’t help but at least give it a chance. It started out as something I would “try,” like a free trial of a subscription, or a new diet.
From my very first session with Grace, it became clear that the work we were doing went far deeper than anything I had ever tried. It wasn’t just my actions and habits that changed over the course of my sessions with Grace. My actual motivations and desires recalibrated with my goals and what I actually wanted out of my life.
I began to exercise consistently – whereas before hypnotherapy, going to the gym was an abstract idea that I would MAYBE set into motion “tomorrow” or “next week.”
I went from not being able to fathom life without alcohol, to truly feeling joyful thanks to a newfound freedom from alcohol.
Food stopped holding any emotional weight and I no longer needed it as a crutch.
After 12 transformative sessions with Grace, I’ve lost weight in the double digits, quit drinking completely (when at the beginning of this I wouldn’t have been able to even fathom the thought), stopped procrastinating, and unearthed/confronted the real reasons I was doing all of these unhealthy things in the first place.
All of this has given me more room to be creative in my work, rediscover old hobbies, and achieve a level of presence in my interactions and meaning out of my personal relationships that I haven’t felt or experienced in a very, very long time.
Most importantly, my work with Grace has given me hope that life can amount to so much more than chronic anxiety and discontentment. Those feelings have been replaced with an overarching and steady sense of excitement of “what comes next,” and a level of mental clarity I didn’t know was possible. My work with Grace has allowed me to access a more vibrant version of myself.”
B. McCuen
Chief Executive Officer
You can take the first step today. You are not broken, life does not have to remain this way… it’s time to experience deep joy and satisfaction.
You are resilient. You’ve proven that over and over.
Now, just imagine what the next level looks like… Imagine a YOU that is no longer limited by subconscious self-sabotage. Imagine what that version of you can do – for yourself and for everyone in your world.
Because, when you’re able to maintain inner peace in the face of the challenges that inevitably come with growth and expansion,
- You make grounded and confident decisions,
- You feel a deep sense of self worth – that radiates and positively impacts others around you.
- You’re able to leave behind insecurities like…
… A fear of flying.
… The nagging doubts and guilt about how you parent.
… Fitful and interrupted sleep.
… Seemingly small behaviors that overtime undermine your health.
… Extra weight – whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
You amplify your impact.
No matter how big or “small” your issues are, hypnotherapy creates results other modalities simply can’t.
Get exactly what you need to break through to your next level.
Grace Method™ Executive Coaching is the year-long journey to your next level. You’ll work exclusively with Grace Smith, the world’s leading hypnotherapist, to address everything that is subconsciously limiting your growth and potential.
While the program typically includes the following, this is a bespoke solution, and will be tailored to your specific needs and goals.

42 private hypnotherapy sessions with Grace
These are to be booked throughout the year based on your needs. We’ll spend extra time where you have high-stress or important upcoming events and launch dates.

Two Full-Day In-Person VIP Days with Grace
Grace will travel to your location twice each year and the VIP Day will take place in your home or, if you prefer, in a rented hotel conference room (additional fees apply). Or you can choose to travel to Grace in Vero Beach, Florida (a $10K discount will be applied if you prefer to travel to Grace for both VIP Days).

Unlimited weekday support through text, email and Voxer
Whenever you need additional accountability in between sessions, you’ll have access to Grace.

Typical Structure and Flow (Again, know that this will be customized to your specific needs):
- 3-5 Sessions on Clearing Out Insecurities & Fears
We often start with issues and challenges that are the most present in your day-to-day life. By clearing these, you’ll get to experience lasting change nearly immediately after beginning to work together.
- 3-5 Sessions on Clearing Out Self-Sabotage
We all have our own flavors of self-sabotage. Whether it is drinking an extra glass of wine, over-extending ourselves in work, collapsing boundaries for others, procrastinating well past deadlines – or whatever it is, it’s time to program your subconscious mind to make consistent decisions for your highest good and desired future.
- 3-5 Sessions on Reprogramming Money Beliefs & Relationship to Finances
No matter how wealthy you are, we all have our own stories with money that are serving us (and those that are not). It’s time to break through any and all limiting beliefs, emotional decision-making patterns, and feelings of scarcity (or over-indulgence) that are present.
- 3-5 Sessions on Speech, Communication & Showing Up in the world
Presentation, persuasion skills – communication upgrades for business and where you might need it most, in your personal life. This includes how you hold yourself, and the energy you emit. Any subconscious insecurity you harbor must be reprogrammed so that now calm, confidence are what you project to the world.
- 3-5 Sessions on Relationships (personal + business)
Relationships are the glue that bind our lives together. It’s time to make sure that you are showing up in your power and truth in all types of relationships.
- 2-3 Sessions on any other remaining subconscious challenges
While most issues are covered by the 5 previous categories, for anything else that is relevant to you, we’ll spend a few sessions eradicating the issue.
- All other sessions are applied to Creation
What you’re creating in the world will come from a place of focused clarity, calm and joy now that your subconscious has been transformed. (Perhaps an entrepreneurial pursuit, or other legacy project.)
About Grace, the facilitator of your transformation:
Grace is the world’s leading hypnotherapist and, therefore, the best practitioner, healer, and confidante to help you break through the self-imposed barriers that are between you – and a deep sense of fulfillment.
Beyond unmatched levels of experience, it can’t be overlooked that Grace is exceedingly intuitive. Her executive and high-status clients remark that Grace can feel and respond to what they are struggling with before they even can.
Grace is a pioneer in the Hypnotherapy field, her private clients including Fortune 500 CEOs, A-list celebrities, Olympic athletes and government officials. She’s the author of #1 best-seller, “Close Your Eyes, Get Free: Use Self-Hypnosis to Reduce Stress, Quit Bad Habits, and Achieve Greater Relaxation and Focus.”
R work has been featured in The Atlantic, Forbes, Entrepreneur, InStyle, Marie Clarie, Buzzfeed, Bustle, MindBodyGreen and as a regular guest on CBS’s hit show, The Doctors.

During this segment on the Dr. Oz Show, Grace Smith demonstrates for Dr. Oz and Dr. Weil the merits of using hypnotherapy as an effective, non-invasive alternative to opioid use for pain reduction.
Still have questions?
Grace has answers.
I’ve tried a lot of different types of therapy and healing. How is this different?
The Grace Method™ is often the thing that works – when nothing else can or does. This is because traditional therapy does not access the subconscious mind, and yet the subconscious mind houses all of your beliefs, emotional responses and habits. To upgrade your life from the inside out you must access your mainframe, and that is your subconscious mind. Grace Smith is the most skilled person in the world to help you do just that.
Typically sessions take place on Mondays because they set the tone for a wonderful week. As soon as you register you will receive Grace’s scheduling link and can book out as many Monday time slots that work for you. Grace and all of her clients all have wildly busy schedules and therefore manually scheduling takes place as well. It has never been a problem for clients to get in when they need to as Grace only works with a few select clients each year.
The Full-Year Executive Coaching with Grace Smith program is a 6-figure investment. If this is out of your personal price range (or that of your company, Executive Coaching is often written off as a business expense), email and Grace’s team will be happy to recommend for you one of the many hypnotherapists Grace has personally certified through her Grace Institute certification program.
Most importantly: The fact that you are here, reading this, at the bottom of this page? This means you are on the precipice of something. You are ready to heal.
There’s a reason that you are here. If you’re being led to this, Grace would love to have a conversation about how your work together could be the rocket fuel that takes your life to the next level.
Invest $10,000 in a complete Subconscious Mind Assessment with Grace to make sure this year-long transformative experience is a mutual fit. The price of your first session will be applied to the total investment if both you and Grace decide to move forward.