I have been lucky enough to work with several the greatest healers of our time and Grace Smith is absolutely one of them. I joined Grace’s VIP program about one year ago and after struggling with my weight throughout my life I managed to lose 20lbs effortlessly, it just melted off my body. The weight had been sitting there and wouldn’t budge for decades no matter what I did. I feel like my body has returned home to its true self because I finally felt safe enough to beseen. With Grace I also healed childhood trauma that was impacting every single relationship in my life. I found and began using my voice, expressing my core beliefs instead of being bullied into silence, which also radically transformed my life. I deepened my connection to my own intuition in ways that continuously blew my socks off. And now one year later I can still return to the safe place cultivated with Grace, surrounded by white birch trees, and filled to the brim with a profound level of peace. It was such a joy to meet with Grace and hear her voice each week! If you’ve tried different healing modalities like I did but find yourself still dealing with issues that persist in your life, they’re probably in your subconscious mind. If they are, Grace will help you find them and heal them, and your newly illuminated life will never be the same.